Learn how to install Apache2 and PHP5 on Ubuntu
Getting started with PHP framework codeigniter
How to get started with CodeIgniter PHP framework.
How to avoid fatal error Cannot redeclare function in PHP
How to avoid fatal error Cannot redeclare function in PHP
Show Google talk status on your website
Show your gtalk status online using the curl in PHP
Send multiple direct messages on twitter
Send multiple direct messages to your twitter friends in one go.
Change default php.ini values using .htaccess
Hey Folks, As you might be knowing that php.ini is the configuration file for the PHP and resides at the server. It contains all the options/settings for the PHP language. There are instances you need to change these options. In local environment you can change these settings very easily
Check username availability and validation using ajax,php
Simple ajax validation for checking available username, can be used in coding a Signup form.
Magic methods in PHP
PHP has lot of magic stored in it. Magic methods in PHP is one way to witness it. These methods are executed automatically on certain event or situation. The function names __construct, __destruct, __get, __set etc are known as magic methods in PHP classes. That means these function names are
How to shorten and get stats of a URL from bit.ly API using PHP
Hey Geeks, So in the era of shortening URLs you lost the track what users are coming from where and what is the original source of traffic. Well there is nothing to worry since bit.ly keeps track of all your URL which are shortened by its API. Bit.ly not only
Post pictures on twitpic API using PHP
Class to upload pictures on twitpic and send update on twitter.
Send binary data using curl php
Sending binary data using curl in php with the help of @
Dynamically display twitter display image of a user
A class to display twitter’s display image on any webpage or blog
Get data from a URL using cURL PHP
How to get data from a URL using cURL in php
Wrap text when creating images on the fly in php
Script to show how we can insert line-breaks or wrap text while creating images on the fly in php.
logging 404 errors on your site and generating traffic from it
Hiya People, Its really a pain when visitors come down to your blog and they see “Sorry, but you are looking for something that is not here.” The message can be anything, but top of everything it is nothing but a fail message. And consequently, many of your potential visitors