In this post, we will talk about how to hack the Mediawiki Template to include Google Analytics without tracking the sysop user. The better way is, obviously, to use the GoogleAnalytics Extension (which would be discussed in a later post). This hack applies to Mediawiki 1.9.3+ In the mediawiki/includes/skin.php file,
How to send tweet message on twitter using php
PHP Class to update your status on twitter using Twitter API
Create image in PHP using GD with different font , size
Heya, It is going to be pretty basic tutorial. I am gonna write the advanced or the other ones in the next tutorials. Here is a simple code in php which creates a image on the fly. This code is so simple,but i have written comment before each line to
How to use HTTP_POST_VARS in php
HTTP_POST_VARS was a very useful global array, but we dont use it these days. I do not understand or i did not find time to research if it has been discontinued or had some problem. But it was quite a nice array which stored all the fields and their values
calculating time difference in PHP
Date and time is one function which is always like there in whatever website, project you create. The more simple they look like to start with the more complex they become. Complexity comes in when we put these functions into different loops conditions etc. Well Today i got a bug
Automating the Copyright year information
This trick is really basic but is useful for automating an important information for your blog. If you have a copyright information defined anywhere in your blog with the year in it(usually present at the footer), then you might have to change the year everytime and sometimes you just forget.
Using JSON with PHP, javascript |Tutorial 1
Hi Programmers, Heard about JSON, and wandering how the hell you gonna implement it with PHP. And why would one use JSON when you have ajax and other alternatives. Well first of to understand JSON, i would recommend you to go through the JSON introduction part which i covered in
PHP Interview for Beginners/Novice/Freshers | Part 1
Hi all, Well i understand that PHP today is everyone’s favorite technology today. And i must confess that this web scripting language not only gave me financial gains in my life but also is responsible for my social well being. People do regard me as a PHP guru and not
New php framework PalDB, supports MVC and Database ORM
Well PalDB is yet another framework for PHP. PalDb is a fast and powerful database abstraction layer and ORM. While it is not as full-featured as Doctrine or Propel, it comes quite close when you use it with MySQL. It shares Pal’s paradigms of simplicity and elegance. Features You can
Its a framework world!!
Gone are the days when you need to start writing you code from the scratch. I personally “used to be” a strong promoted of scratch coding, where in i used to do the following task to achieve better code development. Create proper folder structure Use a templating engine Define generic
Detect chrome using php
The other day i was coding arround and i found that i need to know if the user is using the new shiny browser chrome. So for that i wrote a small snippet and wanted to share with you guys. Here is how we do in php. function is_chrome() {
Reflection API support now in PHP 5.1.3
PHP is now no where treated as weak language, day after day and with every next release of php’s new version more of the robust features are being added. Now this time, i was going through the PHP’s RSS feeds and i realized that now reflection fuctionality is also supported
PHP 5.3 changes on Microsoft windows
PHP 5.3.0 is only in its first alpha release. But, if you run PHP in Microsoft Windows, you should talk a look at… Release Notes for Windows Binaries (for PHP 5.3.0) Here are the important changes: – Support for Windows versions prior to Windows 2000 have been dropped. If you