The students of Engineering College, Bikaner are organising a three day FOSS Hackfest with their TechFest – Samakha, from October 28 to 30th. The plan of event includes having many simultaneous unconferences, hackathons, meetups, talks, BOFs, night-ups, etc around FOSS Tools and Technologies, especially Sahana, Drupal, and Linux.sakshama

The venue will be the Labs at Engineering College Bikaner. The sessions and activities are distributed over the three days and nights, with discussions led sessions during the day and all hackfests and gaming fests in the night. Students from many engineering colleges across Rajasthan are expected to be there. Find out more details at:

The event is a first for Rajasthan and is being taken care of by the students of Engineering College, Bikaner. Digimantra, in its spirit of promoting such community events, is trying our best to facilitate them with our experience of organising and participating meetups and unconferences across the globe. The organisers are in need of any possible help, including – sponsorships, give aways, promotions, etc.

Extend your support to the propagation of FOSS, help them. Spread the word about the event by writings blogs and tweeting about it. Talk to your company and friends for sponsoring the event. Encourage the organisers by participating and contributing to the event.

Stay Digified !!

Sachin Khosla

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