Everyone I know is either active on Facebook or addicted to it!.
Why wouldn’t anyone be? It’s very simple (even my office peon has a Facebook account!)
Earlier Orkut used to rule the roost, but owing the difficult interface & app barrage! it died a slow & painful death.
However, Facebook caught the fancy of Indians for a very simple reason which they hate to admit!
Facebook gives a thorough glimpse in the lives of your friends, colleagues, Ex-es! It is a great platform to “share”, “announce”, “invite” sometimes “invade” ones personal space which was simply not possible to such an extent earlier, especially in our busy lives!
However, I am not here to praise Facebook, everyone is already (& heavily) doing that. I am writing this post for the common computer user, who only sees the what is displayed on the screen. Sometimes even the matter “displayed” is not read &/or understood thoroughly.
I say this because, many users simply “allow access” to the various “Apps” those request it! Sure the “Request Permission” page looks scary (at least for me it does!) asking permission to do everything for (or to) to my account, but that doesn’t deter user from simply clicking “Allow”!
Bottom-line, as the time-passes, we ourselves are not aware of the number of apps we have granted access to our personal information on Facebook.
I myself was taken aback at the number of apps I had simply “allowed access” to & forgotten all about it. This post will attempt to simplify the process through which you can “Edit” (I suggest remove) the apps that you no longer use Regularly.
Facebook does not give one-click access to the Apps Settings Page Guess, we may never know the exact reason
However, follow the steps below & you can do it fairly easily:
1. Log-in to your Facebook account (Duh!, if you are not permanently logged in)
2. Click on the “down-arrow” on the upper-right-hand corner:
3. Click on Privacy Settings:
4. Once you are on the “Privacy Settings” Page, go down to the “Apps & Websites” Row & Click on Edit Settings:
5. Once you are on the Page Select: Remove unwanted or Spammy apps!
6. Voila! you will be presented with presented with a complete list of apps that you have given access to!
Now be judicious & remove / revoke permissions to the apps that you think are unwanted / SPAM in nature.
My advise…. bearing a few absolute necessary apps, simply remove the rest!
For security paranoid people, you can simply select Turn off all platform apps in the previous page.. But I wouldn’t recommend doing that as some of your necessary apps will be gone too!
NEVER give access to any apps / website unless you are very sure about their authenticity. Don’t allow just because your friend allowed it. Thankfully, Facebook has afirly decent SPAM & Virus prevention mecahnisms built into their Website, but still, it is always better to be safe than sorry.
Happy (& safe) Facebooking!