Facebook is quite a phenomenon since 2004 when it began. There are about 58 million active users on facebook who frequently demands modifications on their facebook page for more fun. So here’s some good news for all Captain Jack Sparrow fans. Now you can really make your facebook page interact with you in English Pirate language like Captain Jack Sparrow himself. Jus’ fer ye, now Facebook be havin’ a new feature as “English Pirate”.
So all you crazy fellas just need to do is scroll down to the bottom of your profile page or home page and click on the current select language(by default it must be English(US) ). This will bring up a popup window as shown below, which allows you to change the language option for facebook. You can choose English(Pirate) and become Captyain with just one click . It gives your facebook page a fun pirate theme and a whole new language to help you sail. However, the changed language can only be seen by the user himself and not by his friends or friend of friends, but still it’s very amusing.
There are various other language options, you might want to try English(Upside Down) which vertically inverts the English alphabets.
In above picture my recent activity states that I am using new English (Pirate) language now.
All your current page labels will change into a pirate-slang and in a second it will give you an actually feel to talk like a pirate. Now your Pirate theme enabled facebook page will show many changes in its labels. The most amusing I found is “10 people like this” changes into 10 scallywags be enjoyin’ this.
There are many more exciting changes like Adjust your settings becomes Adjust ye riggin’s, View Pictures of Me becomes Spy Me Portraits, View Videos of Me becomes Spy Me Bewitched Portraits, A person want to be your friend becomes A sorry lout think that He’s yer mate etc.
The Menu Items will look like:-
Now all of you can explore this fun pirate theme and compare it with the original language. It’s weird but also kinda fun. This feature will be more exciting on the World talk like a Pirate day. The Community who created this language is trying to improve this version every now and then. So Try this new fun language and “Get yourself t’ be completely blown away with this hard Pirate-ish English”.
Stay digified !!!
Nitish Jha