Just when i opened my mailbox today, i got this shiny red line New! A bunch of stuff

Well hitting this link would take you to so many new features which has been introduced by gmail from its backyard (google labs). There are various new features to facilitate easy accessibility for the gmail users. But one must know that these are under google labs, meaning that all the features are experimental and have certain limitations. But if you’re going to brave the Labs world, it’s important to keep the following things in mind about these features:

  • They may break at any time
  • Similarly, they may disappear temporarily or permanently
  • They may work so well that they graduate and become regular features

Here is the screenshot from my mailbox, go and dig yours 😛

Enable the feature which you like and disable when you think you are getting overwhelmed with it. There are many features, some of them are :

Click on image to enlarge
Click on image to enlarge

Cheers !!

Realin !

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