We all love Gmail.. It has now become synonymous with E-mail!. It’s clean interface, simple navigation, multiple & updated features that enhance user experience & awesome SPAM filters have hooked people since the day it was launched as Beta (It carried a BETA moniker for a LONG time.. that’s a different story).
Along-side Opera Mini, Google Apps (Gmaps, Gmail) are the most common apps that are found on ALL Mobile operating systems: Android, Symbian, Blackberry, iOS even Chinese handsets! or simply visit HERE for auto detection!
The very low level resource requirement, combined with minimal battery consumption & excellent interface makes Google apps a must-have.
The only small issue faced by many Gmail mobile users was the inability to sign in multiple accounts of Gmail while using them on a Mobile phone.
That has been recently solved by Google!
They have re-worked / updated URLs for Gmail Mobile to enable multiple-sign-ins! As always, the same can be used across multiple OS platforms & hardware like Tablets, smart-phones, budget-phones etc.!
Google requests you to update the bookmarks for those who have previously bookmarked Gmail for Mobile.
I personally have a couple of Gmail accounts for separate purposes & this feature is bound to make my life easier from the earlier Login-> Check->Log-off->Login another account->Check routine!
The other small improvements announced by Google
As simple as it sounds, it is a small but important feature introduction. Gmail already has device detection! i.e. it can identify “user-agent” a technical term to describe which platform you are currently using. This helps google redirects the mail interface to either full-blown “Desktop” Version or minimalistic “Mobile” Version.
What this update has done is “use” this auto-detection to add a mobile-specific signature! Why? would you ask? Remember the goof-up & spelling errors that happen when typing on those Tiny or Virtual keypads! Well, you can now let the recipient of your erred email know that the mail was sent from a mobile & brushing your silly typing mistakes under the carpet!
This feature is similar to the footer that Blackberry phones have remember:
Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone
On a grammatical note, I wonder why they use “on” & not “from”! Anyways you get the idea!
In a separate post, I will post some instructions on how to change the above text in on in (confused ) your Blackberry! so as to have a grammatically correct & non-advertising footer!
Vacation Auto-responder:
I personally never use it. Reason: If you carry your Mobile loaded with Gmail… you are never on vacation really!
But nonetheless, this is a simple feature that has now been made available or “ported” to the mobile version of Gmail. Additional setting page lets you add an auto-responder personalized message with Auto-Start & Auto-End! Nothing grand.. move on!
As a foot-note here’s slightly erratic goof-up that Gmail threw up:
Stay Digified !!