I am going to share a simple trick which lets you show a thumbnail of the youtube video. There are times when you need to show the thumbnail of the youtube video and then play it in on a new page or in a different popup window.

You can show a thumbnail of that very video. Youtube allows you to show thumbnail by simply using the video code. These thumbnails are of different sizes.

To show a thumnail you can use the following url


Where you have to replace insert-youtube-video-id-here with the video code . You can get a video code from the youtube’s URL, eg. for the url http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNYmK19-d0U&feature=topvideos_news the video code is ZNYmK19-d0U . Now we are going to use this code to show the thumnails.

Following are the thumbnails from the video –  President Obama on Death of Osama bin Laden

Large Size (480 x 360) URL – http://img.youtube.com/vi/ZNYmK19-d0U/0.jpg


Small Size (120 x 90) URL – http://img.youtube.com/vi/ZNYmK19-d0U/1.jpg





Now that’s how you embed a thumbnail for the youtube video.Hope it helps.


Stay Digified !!
Sachin Khosla

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