By default, Tomcat server runs on 8080. However, there are chances of the conflict with other programs. Or sometimes its just that you want to change the port no. So in this post, I will show you how can you change the default port no. of Tomcat server.

To do so, follow the steps :

1) Open server.xml , it can be found under <tomcat installation directory> /conf

2) Search for the following configuration.

<Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" 
               redirectPort="8443" />

3) Now in the above code change connector port=”8080″ to anything you want to. I changed it to 8983 in my case.

4) Save the file and restart your Tomcat server, for the changes to take effect.

Hope this helps.

Stay Digified !!
Sachin Khosla

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