Bing – But Its Not Google , this term is coined by Michael Martin and i read it in one of the techcrunch post ‘s comment. I heard a lot of Bing these days and I personally believe its not really so cool. Microsoft planned really big this time, but they are no where near to twitter or google 😛 Well the first experience as a layman I would see its nothing more than a search engine. Related search alright appreciated, but only when you really do not know what you are looking for. Suppose I search for trip to goa and i go suggestions for hotels, flights etc etc. Not a big deal even google does the same. Ok lets get little real and this time lets search for some explicit term in Bing. Not too vulgar but a general knowledge term “KamaSutra” , OMG what did it just say ?
Alright, I am dumb and I do not know i need to turn off some safe search (term used in google search engine) and hence i search for it, where else but our brand new Bing 😛 Lets see the result this time.
Bing doesn’t recognize itself. So I am sorry i was a porn-o-holic guy and was looking for something new in this new search engine, but with 2-3 steps i could not find anything and hence i dump it off. Well its just one of the example but what i think is, Microsoft is doing this all to cover the loss i t has suffered because of google and now twitter. Well Certainly google guys are passionate about making the world search about just anything, but Bing is just a wrapper over google + yahoo search (as far as I sense).
I cant take this bing any more and I am sure everyone else gonna stick to google or yahoo search engines.