Facebook announced introduction of @replies like feature in its status updates. This announcement was made 3-4 days back. World was going crazy to give it a try and start using it, but nothing worked on the day when they announced adding this feature.

However when I check Digimantra’s Fan page just now, I was able to tag the fans in the status updates. You can not only tag friends, fans, but also the pages. So that way it helps if you are referencing to some event on the page etc.

All you have to do is type  @ and start typing the name of the person. As shown in the image below i type @d and all everyone who’s name starts from ‘d‘ gets listed. Choose one to tag that person in your status message. He will be notified on his wall, about getting tagged in your wall-post.

Hope you enjoy this feature of facebook which is more like twitter. But twitter does not provide an autocomplete list for its followers, which is nicely done by facebook.




Its is worth noticing that tagging friends/pages inside the replies is not functional. You are only allowed to tag people while you post a new status message on your wall-post. Now logon to facebook tag a few friends and poke them, have fun !!

Stay Digified !!
Sachin Khosla

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