When I got Google wave’s sandbox access in August I show you how to write Google Wave Robot. At that time Google wave was open only for the developers and hence not much “wave” around the people. But since Google opened  wave’s invite for the normal users, everyone is talking about wave.

I am sure Google’s marketing team must be pretty clever to suggest such an invite only model to start with any newly launched application. On the other hand, its also the best way to control number of user access when your product is in beta. All of us know that Google’s many products were in beta for 5 years, hence you cannot predict how long Google wave is going to be in beta.

Well lets not get into Google’s strategies and products, and let me show you how you can tweet from your shiny Google Wave account.

Step 1: Add a new contact called tweety-wave@appspot.com as shown below.You will see a new contact with display name Tweety the Twitbot.


Step 2: Create a new wave with this new contact and It will ask for authentication using a popup window. Make sure popups are not blocked or will have to allow them explicitly so that Twitter’s authentication window can authenticate your Google wave account to update your status on twitter. Here is how the popup and your new wave look like.


After authenticating all your twitter updates are shown in that wave and you can even update your status from then & there – Sweet ?


Hope you like this and enjoy tweeting from Googlewave.

Stay Digified !!
Sachin Khosla

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