The much awaited Twitter‘s new shiny homepage is now live. After twitter announced it on its blog, Many blogs attempted to predict what it can be and many of them release the leaked screenshot of the twitter’s new homepage and finally its here. However this change is reflected only when you are not logged in. It simply is like, think twitter is planning to give a major challenge to google’s real time search.


Twitter plans that people will type in for the latest trends and real time search. For that reason twitter has also included the trends on its main homepage. The homepage is not that simple as google’s homepage but yet it adds to the value with real search engine. The search engine which is not powered by crawlers and bots, instead we the people power twitter’s search. Making search a prominent functionality of twitter’s homepage signifies that no wonder if you do not want to join twitter, just search your way to glory and you will definitely like it.

The inside pages are still the same, they have not been refracted as sensed. However in my few days back I wrote about twitter introducing the Retweet button, after one of my friend claimed to see that. The RT button still seems to be missing in this release and most of us believe that it is nothing but a firefox addon.

The two new punchlines added on the homepage by twitter are :

Share and discover what’s happening right now, anywhere in the world

See what people are saying about…

Now we have to see that changing the punch lines and making a homepage look alike to a real time search engine, changes the fate of twitter way more.Experience the new twitter homepage now.

Stay Digified!!
Sachin Khosla

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