Simple ajax validation for checking available username, can be used in coding a Signup form.
Switch your user agent to iphone in Mozilla firefox
How to switch useragent in firefox
Alternative to overflow:hidden for wrapping divs
An alternate of overflow hidden in CSS
Transfer database from one host to other using mysqldump and shell
How to transfer mysql database using mysql command line.
Twitter disables flash widget temporarily
Twitter being the brightest star in the social networking arena is vulnerable many threats. In the recent threat sensed by the company they had to disable the twitter flash widget which is used to display user updates on their web site or blog etc. This decision was taken on 23rd
Treat any file as PHP in Netbeans
Know how to change file association in Netbeans IDE. Treat PHP files as CSS or JS or whatever the way you want it to.
Magic methods in PHP
PHP has lot of magic stored in it. Magic methods in PHP is one way to witness it. These methods are executed automatically on certain event or situation. The function names __construct, __destruct, __get, __set etc are known as magic methods in PHP classes. That means these function names are
How to shorten and get stats of a URL from API using PHP
Hey Geeks, So in the era of shortening URLs you lost the track what users are coming from where and what is the original source of traffic. Well there is nothing to worry since keeps track of all your URL which are shortened by its API. not only
How to get mac address of WLAN in Nokia phones
Hey Folks, Wonder how do you get your handset’s physical address (or MAC address) ? Yeah it is needed at times, I used it to add it in my internet modem’s allow list. MAC is nothing but the physical address of wireless LAN card which is present in your mobile
Twitter Retweet (beta) finally here
Twitter introduces retweet beta on its core web application
Simple tabs using Javascript and CSS
Create your own Simple tabs using Javascript,html and CSS
Google Dashboard – Launchpad for Google services
Good dashboard – Manage all Google services at one place
PDF Preview Handler Error Outlook 2007 & how to Fix it!
Truly Ingenious: “Preview Handlers” for various file Types, have increased productivity with Outlook 2007 drastically. But any product from Microsoft can NEVER be devoid of glitches. Once such faced by me (& many as I searched online) was the Previewer NOT Working Correctly OR NOT Working AT ALL. This led me to thinking on alterbate way to solve the issue.
MS Office 2007. Vital Step towards Office 2010!!
Office 2003 is Almost 6 Years Old!! Yet it is STILL Going Strong!! However, New horizons will never be found if you do not let go of Old Shores!!. Office 2007 has been a truly genius development by Microsoft. It has simplified tasks to such an extent that it hurts!!. Further Office 2010 is just around the horizon. Bottom-Line: If you do not familiarize
Choose which mails to download for offline use in gmail
How to download specific emails for offline use in your gmail Inbox.