And we’re back !

Today morning our Database servers went down which are hosted with Godaddy. The hosting provider ( Godaddy ) did not specify any reasons for this downtime and it took around 5hrs for their engineers to recover. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to our visitors. Some of you might not

OSSCamp september – Day 2

I am sure you enjoyed my post about social Saturday yesterday and you wish you could have same fun, right ? Well OSSCamp got a little lesser number of  campers on Day2 as there were no T-shirts to giveaway. But I am sure everyone had plain fun on Day2 as

OSSCamp Delhi, September 2009

Hey Folks, Some of you might be aware about OSSCamp and what it is. But for those whom this word seems to be new and different, let me slate the meaning of the word OSSCamp and its aim. OSSCamp means Open Source Software Camp, which is a series of community