Sending binary data using curl in php with the help of @
is_object function for javascript
Function to get if the passed argument is an object or no.
Dynamically display twitter display image of a user
A class to display twitter’s display image on any webpage or blog
Getting started with google wave robot
Getting started with Google Wave by creating a robot using python A shorten URL service by
Wordpress enters the URL shortening service bandwagon and starts its own
Create fixed side buttons for feedback etc
Know how to create fixed feedback buttons on the webpage’s side
Bhuvan – Indian Google earth by ISRO
Bhuvan an Indian version of google earth to browse Indian locations,regions etc.
Friendfeed custom themes goes public
Friendfeed introduces custom themes and make them public for showing off.
Win freecell in one move – cheatcode
Cheatcode for Windows freecell game. It lets you win in just one move.
Get data from a URL using cURL PHP
How to get data from a URL using cURL in php
Get a free Domain, another contest at Digimantra
Free domain giveaway content 2 at Digimantra
Just got Google wave API sandbox invite
Google announced Google Wave at Google I/O earlier this year. Since then everyone is excited about getting hands on the Google’s new baby called Google Wave. Just got my Google wave sandbox invite and after experiencing it thought I should share it with Digimantra’s readers. One thing that is common
Hide twitter promotion panel from sidebar
Hide twitter’s sidebar promotion or advertisement in Mozilla Firefox
Alert: another phishing scam on twitter another phishing scam on twitter.
Twitter Down Due to Denial of Service Attack (DDoS)
Twitter Down Due to Denial of Service Attack (DDoS)