How to integerate page navigation in wordpress

WordPress no doubt is famous not only because its easy to install and use but the reason being its community love. Matt himself told at the wordcamp india held earlier this year that wordpress is so popular just because it has community love. I am also one of the wordpress

Moving your wordpress blog from one domain to other

Heya Folks, Well shifting or moving your blog from one domain to another is not easy task but with the continous upgradation on wordpress‘s core install the things are also not that difficult. The built-in import export feature in wordpress is the real saviour in this process. Follow the steps

Hello world program in cpp , c++ , c plus plus

I was teaching one of my relative about how to create a simple C++ program and then I realized that i would have simply pointed her to my blog post instead. But unfortunately i never created the world’s most simplest yet demanding “Hello World” program for C++. So I thought

Why is my Gmail so slow

Probably everyone around me is complaining that these days gmail is super slow. Even I felt some hitches while accessing the gmail. The worst is when I deleted few mails from my home and they were back when I reopened my mailbox at office. So i tried to clear cache,

How to get rid of Mikeyy worm on twitter

Heya Folks, Today I saw that in my twitter timelines, there were some repeated message by my friend saying “Twitter please fix this, regards Mikeyy” Surely it was not him who sent those messages, because his name was also changed and instead it was displaying “Mikeyy Owns“. Well its just

Twitter logo size

Heya, I  cannot belive that how simple can it get but I am getting queries from google search engine every day like “What is twitter logo size ?”. I have yet another simple blog post saying “What is the size of twitter display image” and trust me gets tons of

Lock Windows XP using command line

Hey guys, As discussed in my previous post I have installed VirtualBox recently. But after installing VBox i found that the Windows key or the super key (called in Unix environment) is not working anymore when the virtual machine is running. That is the key used as a shortcut (window