Learn how you can show the name of the logged in user on your Facebook page. You need not to ask for any API permission.
Turn Off Auto Correct in Mac OS X Lion
Learn how to turn off the annoying auto correct option in Mac OS X Lion
mysql.sock path in Mac OS X
The default path on which the MySQL starts is service is different from the one defined in PHP. There are two ways to correct it, read more..
How to inspect css hover , active property using firebug
Know how to check and update CSS hover property of an element using Firebug addon in Firefox
Enable Apache,PHP in Mac OS X
Mac OS X comes with Apache,PHP pre-installed but is not enabled by default.These steps should help you enable PHP over Apache and you can start rolling.
Enable Save and Quit tabs in Firefox
This post shows you how you can enabled warning message which is shown when you quit Firefox. It is useful when you exit accidentally.
Digimantra gets new Google Site Links
Google introduces new version of site links, changes the total number of site links to 12. And also a short description along side the title.
Use Spotlight as calculator
Use the spotlight utility for simple calculations. Quick & Easy way of doing the Arithmetic calculations.
Task Manager in MAC
Know how can you open a Task Manager for your MAC operating system.
Apple : Not a review but My Experience with OS X Lion
I did not intend to write the review about MAC OS X Lion, but actually wrote my experience with it. It may have taken a shape of review but in the end it’s just my experience with the new OS. Enjoy !!
WordPress : Disable / Remove URL field from the comment area
WordPress allows commenting by default on the blog post or pages you create using WordPress. The comment area constitutes of the Name, Email, URL and Comment. Name and Email fields are mandatory but URL field is options. However, many automated bots try to exploit this feature and post some automated
OS X LION: How to change Launchpad’s background color
OS X LION: How to change Launchpad’s background color
Keep An Eye On Scammers – Avoid Them At All Cost
As we bring various guides to secure you online. We bring this guide on how to avoid scammers while surfing online. The many opportunities that you can find online are almost the same number of scammers you will bump into. Yes. Scammers are lurking around on the virtual world. They
Apple : apt-get command for MAC
Heard OS X is more like Linux ? But you might wonder that apt-get does not work by default in MAC OS X. Some folks are in love with apt-get and find it easier to install new applications using apt-get. So in this post I am going to show you
Apple : How to redeem your free copy of Lion OS X
Yes, the latest version of OS X is out and is called Lion . You can upgrade it from the App store or right from the website, it costs 29.99 USD. However, if you have purchased your MAC between June 06, 2011 and July 20, 2011 then your system qualifies for