My Blog Log was acquired my Yahoo way back and I think almost all services were added to it. From twitter to flickr, your blog entries to all other information. Sometimes it becomes annoying when you posted blog entry about your Fun Trip whcih you had last week after you lammed your office and the same is read by your manager when My Blog Log sets it on your Yahoo Messenger status message. So it somehow disrupts your privacy, so to hide this message follow the steps below.

1) Login to MyBlogLog and click on My Account tab.

2) There when you scroll down, you will see an option called Yahoo Updates. It should be disabled by default but still if updates are being set as the status message, click on Manage as shown in the picture below.


3) Now you be redirected to your profile’s page and there you will have options to show/hide updates for the user groups. Select as appropriate and you are good.


Hope this saves your day 😛

Sachin Khosla

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