15. Now we start throwing in the text. The font matters a lot. Depending on your website, you can use default system fonts, cursive script fonts, or premium designer fonts that will lighten your pockets a bit. I suggest using DaFont for some awesome free fonts.

Here I have used “Myriad Pro” for the menu items. These should be bold, clear and easy to read. Very important.

Used font “Orater Std” for the title. It is a bundled font. You probably have it already.

Added a description in the same font. Give special attention to placement,colors and alignment of such text which doesnt have a special container of its own.

16. Use the “Rectangular Marquee Tool” with “Fixed Size” set to 125×125 px for placing ads on your website. Make the colors match with your theme.

17. Throw in some text and some subscription buttons (Get these here), and VOILA!!! You are done.

Final Design:
This template has been designed specifically keeping in mind the valid XHTML and CSS coding. The semitrasparent figure forms the #outer-wrapper, the two white rectangles inside form the #main-wrapper and #sidebar-wrapper. Similarly, the #header-wrapper and #footer-wrapper take care of the rest of the containers. I will start coding on this template now that this tutorial is complete.


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