7) Now repeat the above step to create the gradient, this time I am going to fill it with different color as shown below.


8 ) Now let us add some text to it. You can also use these images as background using CSS property and then can have dynamic text for a single image. But if you want a text with some effects, then you can choose the settings from either of the two shown below. Right click on the layer and choose Blending options, this will popup the layer effect menu. If you want to choose the effect as shown in blue button, use the settings for layer as 2 (notice the red colored 2 in the picture below). However if you like the shadow and more effects that use the effects of both layers 1 + 2.


You can always add more effects to it using filters, can also add glossy finish using another layer. But I really liked this output and decided to suffice myself with these. Hope you create something more beautiful.

Stay Digified !!
Sachin Khosla

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