Last weak with the evolution of DigiMantra, i sadly had to lose disallow the access to my old domain i.e. . It was really a major step in my blogging career. I had a PR of 3 on which i had to lose all of a sudden with this shift. 🙁
Well whatever happens, happens for a reason. So me celeberating because the feedback of visitors and the amount of traffic is almost the same. Rather the feedback for DigiMantra is +ve . Well during this shift which was very smooth, i also was worried about my Feed Subscribers. They were not quite good in numbers but still they are the loyal readers which love the content of my website, so i never wanted to lose them with this shift. I have explained how to move your wordpress blog to another domain in one of my previous blog entries and in this post I am gonna explain how can you retain the feed subscribers when in future you might want to move to another domain.
The trick is to use the feedburner to serve feeds to the user instead of serving them off from your server. So Feedburner actually acts a wrapper around your feeds and in return it provides you with stats, monetizing your feeds and different ways to publicize your feeds. You can register yourself on feedburner and then can install the feedburner smith plugin(discussed here) which automatically changes your classical feed address to the feedburner one.
Now point is when you shift your domain the users already have is your feedburber address , like in my case my feed address is whcih automatically gets resolved into
So that way what the users have is your feedburner wrapper instead of , which you may think of shiting.Here is the screenshot which explains how I retained all my subscribers from the old domain using Feedburner.
So you see we do not have to change the Feed Address that is what our users have in their RSS reader programs. You just can do it with a single click. Just login into your account and select the account for which you want to change the details. Then click on Edit Feed Details and you are good to go then.
Hope this helps you and your blog running nicely .
Cheers !!
Sachin Khosla