WordPress is one big framework in itself now. From a simple blog to a pro website, wordpress gives you the flexibility to do it all. Radioverve is one of the niche example of wordpress ‘s power and my free wordpress blog is another example of the most empty or quick site that can be built in wordpress.
WordPress lets you create a self hosted blog in just 2 mins. Today I helped 2 colleagues to create their own blogs in just few minutes and they were amazed with the power of wordpress. And I was amazed that they still din start blogging. 😀
Friends and people around ask me about what plugins do I use and how can they move their blog to level next. Well the answer is pretty simple Few but Decent plugins. I am gonna share the list of plugins which I think are useful for your blog and if you think there are certain more, or if I am missing something then feel free to leave a comment.
I have no idea why some people are lazy to get API key from wordpress account and activate this plugin. Akismet is an awesome plugin and is developed Matt (founder of WordPress). It is going to look after all the spam comments on your blog. Its built-in so to activate it, you are just a click away.
All in one SEO plugin(link)
This plugin takes care for all your SEO stuff. From rewriting titles to generating custom keywords, it takes care of all. It allows you to change almost everything which is related to SEO.
Feedburner Smith(link)
Now that the feedburner was tookover by google so the service becomes more reliable. And syndicating your feeds through feedburner gives your more flexibility and easy management of your subscribers and a lot more. This little plugin automatically redirects your default feed urls to feedburner ‘s account. So when you move your blog or do whatver stuff, you subscriber list still remains 🙂
Google XML Sitemaps(link)
Well I think you should have installed this, if not better stop reading now and install it. Sitemap.xml file is what you gotta submit to almost all search engines so that they can easily know what your site has got. Google Webmasters, yahoo, MSN etc all are automatically pinged by this nice plugin.
Referrer Detector(link)
Make your site more interactive with this plugin and welcome users with custom messages with respect to the referer site they are droping from.
SEO friendly images(link), SEO slugs(link), SEO links(link)
Again they are useful in fetching you more SEO juice.
If you are not using any sorta social tools plugin then you better should start using this one or Add to any, they gonna allow user to share your posts with the other world, and I think that is the utmost desire your blog has 😛
Twitter tools(link)
Twitter tools, allows to post a tweet automatically when you post a new blog entry on your blog. The vice versa is also true but that is sorta spamming your blog and nothing more. Give it a try its really good.
WP-PageNavi – already discussed in an exclusive post.
Yet Another Related Posts Plugin(link)
Certainly if you are spending a little extra time on my site then I must give credit to this plugin. Its beneficial for both publisher and the user to use this plugin. Because user get the relevant content and for publisher users stay longer on the website.
This is useful for those who want to post code snippets in their blog posts, just like my blog. There are many others, but you can consider SyntaxHighlighter Plus as its also a good plugin.
WordPress Video Plugin(link)
Install this plugin to quickly insert videos from youtube,metacafe etc into your blogposts. But as suggested by ankurb at Wordcamp India earlier this year, WordPress is going to provide this feature in the core wordpress functionality. Hope this gonna be beautiful.
I am sure this post would be helpful, for any sorta help, suggestion , advice, feel free to comment or follow me on twitter
Sachin Khosla